Monday, 27 January 2014

Evaluation Of Prelim -

How does your prelim represent your particular social group?
To kick start the coursework, i was set with the task of designing a prelim school magazine cover via Photoshop. The prelim cover i designed represents the particular social group (Lutterworth College students, aged between 14 and 18) as it features the college logo, language features such as 'school jargon' e.g. 'A*'s', as well as images of students and simple fonts highlighted in the college colours (blue and green) When set the task, i decided upon creating a magazine which would cover every aspect of college life, hence the title 'LC LIFE' To clearly show this to the reader, i decided to create a number of cover lines, highlighting different features which were happening around the entire school, instead of just focusing on one, e.g. the school sports teams etc.

Who would be the intended audience for your product?
Students who attend Lutterworth College, aged between 14 and 18. 

How did you attract/ address your audience?
Whilst designing the prelim i carefully considered what aspects of the page would be best suited to the particular audience, and how i could attract them to the page.The aspects i considered included the colour scheme, the layout as well as the fonts. To make my prelim cover instantly noticeable and recognisable to the target group i used the College logo to show exactly who the magazine was aimed at - students who attend Lutterworth College. I decided to position the logo in the top right corner of the page so that it was the first aspect the reader could see. The use of the college colours increase the pages noticeability and gives the page a colour balance and professional edge. The use of images of students also helps the reader understand that the magazine is aimed at students who attend Lutterworth College. 

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Whilst constructing my prelim magazine examples i have picked up numerous techniques which i will most surely benefit from when designing my final magazine. These techniques include the lighting techniques, camera techniques and computer techniques. Firstly, whilst undergoing the process of creating my prelim magazine i have discovered how to use the correct lighting and backgrounds whilst taking a picture of the chosen model. I have discovered that the different types of lighting can help give the model different appearances and therefore emotions on the page e.g. a lack of lighting and a darker setting may connote the dark, mysterious character of the model. The second discovery i made whilst constructing my prelim magazine was various different camera techniques. These techniques include where to position the camera, how to use the camera and where to position the model so that the overall picture appears better. The final technological discovery i made whilst constructing my prelim magazine is the use of computer programmes such as Photoshop. Whilst making my prelim magazine cover i had to learn how to use this particular programme in order to create a page, text, crop and edit images and add various colours.  

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