Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Magazine Plans -

Genre -
After being asked the question  "What genre of music will your magazine contain?" i immediately thought of one genre and one genre only, that of course was indie/alternative rock. I have chosen to create my magazine using the genre of indie/alternative rock because  the majority of music i listen to falls into this category.
I also feel as if i have a good understanding and a large amount of knowledge on this particular genre. To me, indie rock brings something different into the musical world, a different dimension, a certain 'wow factor.' Indie/alternative rock has also inspired some of the most legendary bands this country has ever seen and will  most likely have a huge part to play in the success of new and up coming artists.

Artists which inspired me -
a number of bands inspired me to choose alternative rock as the genre for my magazine, however i have narrowed this list down to just five:
The main four are -
-Arctic Monkeys
-The Killers
-Beady Eye
-Miles Kane

To me, the likes of Kasabian, the Arctic Monkeys and The Killers are it, the epitome of alternative rock. They have everything, entertaining front men, inspirational singers/songwriters as well as out of this world talent.
In my opinion, the likes of Kasabian stand out in the world of music, they create a sound which is a pleasure to hear and in doing so, have created a legacy which will last forever.

Fashion/appearance -

Miles Kane
Indie/alternative rock has seen many artists match their music with their fashion. Artists such as the ones listed above tend to wear clothes which are 'smart-casual' with a rock twist. A prime example of this would be Beady Eye front man Liam Gallagher, who is renowned for his interesting coats, patterned shirts, scarves, leather jackets, blazers, and of course, the famous 'mod' haircut, also worn by Kasabian front man Tom Meighan as well as Miles Kane. Although the clothes worn by these artists are usually stylish and unique, they are often unbranded to make the clothing even more noticeable and appeal more to the public. However, the likes of the Sergio Pizzorno (Kasabian) have been photographed wearing certain sports branding such as Adidas. Therefore, if i am going to make my chosen model appear as an indie/alternative rock band front man, i am going to have to dress him in the clothing listed above in order to make the image look realistic and replicate that of a real Indie/alternative rock band front man.

Choice of Magazine -

Although there are many great examples of music magazines on the market, i have decided to use NME as a template for my music magazine. I have made this choice as NME often features alternative artists and so fits my idea perfectly. I also like the way the designers carefully and creatively assemble each aspect of the magazine to make the overall final piece look stylish and stand out on the shelf - this is what i am aiming to do.
An edition of NME featuring Kasabian


  1. Would you mind stating the genre in the genre section please Jack (I know it is indie rock BUT you don't explicitly state that).

  2. After reading through your comments I have re-read my post and have now clearly stated what specific genre will be featuring in my magazine.
